The large amount of Chinese imports have created a large selection of goods in other countries as people begin to buy more and more products made in China. 进口大量的中国产品为其他国家创造了大量的商品选择机会,人们也开始越来越多地购买中国制造的商品。
There shall be immediate termination in cases where the amount of a subsidy is de minimis, or where the volume of subsidized imports, actual or potential, or the injury, is negligible. 如补贴金额属微量或补贴进口产品的实际或潜在数量或损害可忽略不计,则应立即终止调查。
The US trade gap swelled by the highest amount in more than a decade in July owing to a surge of imports driven by a jump in demand for foreign cars, oil and consumer goods, official figures showed yesterday. 美国昨日公布的官方数据显示,由于对外国汽车、石油和消费品的需求激增导致进口量飙升,美国7月份贸易逆差创下了10多年来最大增幅。
The annual cumulative amount of the aforementioned imports shall not exceed the amount of paid-in registered capital of the company. 上述进口金额每年累计不超过公司已缴付的注册资本额。
Net exports of goods and services, consisting of the amount of exports minus the amount of imports. 商品和劳务的净出口:指减除进口量的出口量。
The development degree of the non state-owned economy, the foreign direct investment ( FDI), the amount of imports and exports, and the region all influence the technical efficiency. 非国有经济发展程度、外商直接投资(FDI)、进出口贸易总额以及地理位置都会对省际技术效率有着显著的影响。
Through establishing the Error Correct Model ( ECM) this paper studies the dynamic adjusting process from un-equilibrium to long-term equilibrium condition between FDI and total trade amount of imports and exports, total amount of exports and total amount of imports. 通过建立的误差修正模型,研究了FDI与进出口贸易总额、出口总额、进口总额之间由非均衡向长期均衡状态动态调整的过程。
To suggest domestic enterprises restructure the productive plants owing to the excess plant capacity of base oil and large amount of imports of high grade oil. 根据国内基础油生产能力过剩,又要大量进口高档油的情况,建议老企业可改造为老三套与加氢技术结合的生产技术。
The reason is, on the one hand, to improve the competitiveness of countries and Yunnan Province agricultural foreign trade is the prerequisite and basis for us to expand the amount of imports. 究其原因,一方面,提高国家和云南省农产品的对外贸易竞争力是我们扩大进口金额的前提条件和基础。
This analysis includes GDP to foreign exchange reserves, amount of imports in 3 months to foreign exchange reserves, M2 to international reserves, and foreign exchange reserves to amount of short-term debt ratio for China and Korea. 这分析在3个月包括国民生产总值对外汇储备,相当数量进口对外汇储备,M2对国际储备和外汇储备到相当数量短期债务比率为中国和韩国。
Finally, on the problem of low accuracy under a small amount of training data, this paper imports the learning mechanism of semi-supervised and the thinking of the voting decision, then, a semi-supervised classification immune algorithm was raised and verified experimentally. 针对单纯的免疫分类算法在少量训练数据下精度不高问题,引入半监督学习机制和投票决策的思想,提出了一种半监督免疫分类算法,并给出了实验分析验证了算法的有效性。
The disadvantage of this model is that it is unable to clearly see how the changes of RMB exchange rate influence the amount of Chinese mechanical and electrical products which china exports to and imports from the United States respectively. 这种模型的缺点是无法清晰看出人民币汇率变动对我国出口和进口美国机电产品的两方面的影响。